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Nayamba School

The Nayamba school in Zambia provides over 300 children with an education. We raise funds for the school,100% of which is spent on improving the school.

"Nayamba" means "good beginning". The Nayamba School in Zambia was set up in 2010 by a visionary woman who saw that there was no school facilities available for the many children living on and around her farmlands. A group of passionate fundraisers from Ex-minster in Devon have 'adopted' the school and are enabling the school to develop fast by providing money for teachers, accommodation, classrooms, facilities, food and essential learning resources and equipment. 100% of the money raised is spent on improving the school.We believe that education can transform whole communities, and that is why we want Nayamba School to be able to provide an outstanding free education to any child in the community who wishes to attend. Nayamba School is already becoming the hub of the community, with the church using the building at weekends and the new library, but this is just the beginning. Alongside the children's education we want to run adult literacy and numeracy evening classes as well as workshops that tackle health and social issues that the families face. We also hope to provide a first class secondary education in the future and in 2017 we have been able to add Grade 8 to our school provision. We will also be establishing a social enterprise business whose profits will go into helping the school cover its ongoing running costs. This business will also provide essential apprenticeship opportunities for young adults.

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We believe that, “education is the most powerful weapon to change the world.”

- Nelson Mandela